216.292.GURU (4878) INFO@ACENDEX.COM

IT Managed Services

If your success depends on the right people having the right information right NOW… Acendex is RIGHT for you!

Choose from Acendex’s professional offerings and gain a partner in success:

Let’s take a closer look at what Acendex means when it says it helps businesses succeed by the right people having the right information right NOW.

Any company with more than one employee knows success depends on the internal and external communication of information. Companies that move information well work efficiently, have lower frustration levels and impress customers.

Many look at IT as the part of the business that understands where all those cords on the back of the computer go. Acendex understands it is much more than that; a good IT strategy moves information properly so great decisions can be made and outstanding customer service can be achieved.

Data protection

Continuity of Service

Downtime is expensive, idling staff and alienating customers. That’s why we’re committed to a continuity of service approach to customer support. We begin by designing fault-tolerant configurations. Then, if you choose Acendex’s IT Managed Services option, we’ll monitor your system 24/7, performing preventive maintenance to help avoid outages. Finally, AcendexAssure™, our continuous backup and disaster recovery solution, guarantees full user access to all files within minutes of a system failure.

Featured Blog:

How Managed IT Services Can Boost Small Business Productivity


Creating the right system may cost a bit more initially, but savvy business people know that building things right is always smarter than building them poorly, suffering break downs that hurt a business and paying for repairs. Often, a new IT approach saves money from Day 1; Acendex identifies ways companies can accomplish more with less, reduces the space and environmental requirements for IT equipment, uncovers underperforming or costly-to-support assets, and, using advanced diagnostic tools, predicts and heads off failure points.

Improve Efficiency


Acendex systems are flexible, enabling a company to upsize, downsize, merge or add new IT capabilities without starting over. This flexibility allows companies to quickly seize new opportunities.


Business people should focus on their business. The right IT program helps a company use all the latest business tools without all the hassles. Don’t lose focus fussing over “voice over internet protocol telephony”–partner with a company that understands business people don’t need to understand the technology to enjoy its efficiencies.


Acendex’s commitment to continuity of service, efficiency, flexibility and partnership are a perfect fit:


For organizations without the resources for a full-time information technology staff


For companies whose lack of capabilities or recurring problems cost cash, clients and credibility


For enterprises needing creative or smarter use of information and communications to gain an edge, especially if having a platform for launching incremental continuous advances is essential


For cases where Acendex information and communication expertise (perhaps from a specific technology or combination of technologies) enables a leap ahead. This can make a company more attractive to prospective employees, customers and investors

Contact Us Today


Commerce Park V,
23250 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 200
Cleveland, Ohio 44122


M-F: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Call Us

216.292.GURU (4878)